Overview & Claim
To claim your unclaimed ETH, simply click "Claim". The claim button will be disabled until you can claim. The timer between claim can be reduced by upgrading your "".
The overview panel has everything for you to track your statistics:
Pending rewards: your total THRO pending to be claimed
Attacks / Won / Lost: your stats of all attacks, won and lost.
Daily APR / THRO : your daily APR and THRO
Defenses / Won / Lost: your stats of all defenses, won and lost.
Next claim: timer until your next claim
THRO stolen since last claim: total THRO you stole from other players since your last claim
Share of pool: your % of share of the pool
THRO lost since last claim: total THRO you lost to other players since your last claim
Claimed / Max: total THRO claimed on your max payout
Total THRO Won in fights: total of THRO H you stole
Total THRO lost in fights: total of THRO TH you lost to other players
Last updated